Humans for Humans
What we do
Humans for Humans Relief and Development Organization is an independent, humanitarian nonprofit supporting education, health and energy development in Tigray region.
We are providing immediate relief for those Tigrinyans who are impacted by the civil war, in the form of shelter, food, and sanitation access; our long-term goal is to build sustainable infrastructure and encourage autonomous recovery in Tigrinya education, health, and energy access.
Our Short-Term Goals
We're raising $45,000 to complete three budgeted projects over the next three months: (i) establishing and stocking a food center to feed 4,000 IDPs for three months, (ii) constructing shelters and ensuring clean water access for 800 IDPs, and (iii) providing 200 Dignity Kits to female IDPs.
We have a team on the ground in Tigray ready to execute these projects, and are running a GoFundMe to support these projects, as well as soliciting direct donations. All donations will be sent as 1:1 direct aid to Humans for Humans Tigray.
Please help us raise money to achieve these goals.
Our History
Since March of last year, we've raised $10,935 to support Tigrinya IDPs through GoFundMe. With this funding, we provided 3 months of basic food and groceries to 20 in-need families, donated $2000 in community cooking supplies to the Ayder IDP center, helped construct 20 IDP shelters for 400 IDPs (which are in active use today), installed 12,000L of water storage capacity for these IDPs.
We were certified as a Tigrinya nonprofit in June of last year.
Tigray Humanitarian Crisis Background:
The articles below provide some context for the humanitarian crisis in Tigray.
BBC Viewpoint: Why Ethiopia's Tigray region is starving, but no famine declared
ABC News: In Ethiopian civil war, famine and sexual violence shatter Tigray region
Wall Street Journal: U.N. Warns of Escalating Humanitarian Crisis in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region
At a high level, the situation is getting worse because Tigray is blockaded by Federal forces and the UN has been able to deliver only a very limited amount of aid. Instead of providing aid from the outside, which is currently ineffective, Humans for Humans is able to deliver aid directly to Tigrinya people, as our team lives and works in Tigray.
Our March-July 2020 Relief Efforts
In March-July of 2021, we raised $10,935 to support Tigrinya IDPs through GoFundMe. With this funding, we:
provided 3 months of basic food and groceries to 20 in-need families through the Keradion Elder Support Group,
Bought $2000 in community cooking supplies and foodstuffs for the Ayder IDP center,
Helped construct 20 IDP shelters for 400 IDPs (which are in active use today) and installed 12,000L of water storage capacity for these IDPs at the Elshadai IDP center
Some photos of these efforts are shown below.
Figure 1) IDP Shelters constructed at Elshadai
Figure 2) Second view of IDP Shelters constructed at Elshadai
Figure 3) 10kL tank installed at Elshadai
Construction of shelters and water infrastructure at Elshadai
Food staple support through the Keradion Elder Support Group
How to Help
Support our fundraising efforts on GoFundMe here.
Contact us at to get involved or learn more.